الأربعاء، 23 يناير 2013

JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa


JIMENA is a nonprofit organization committed to educating and advocating for the one million Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa
Company Overview
Through a 39-member Speakers Bureau composed of former Jewish refugees, digital preservation projects, advocacy campaigns, and student and young adult engagement activities, JIMENA is raising awareness to the plight of Jewish refugees and other minorities from the Middle East and North Africa. Incorporating the Sephardic and Mizrahi refugee experience into the mainstream Jewish narrative strengthens our advocacy for Israel, enriches and unifies our Jewish communities, and adds balances and accuracy to distorted historical narratives of the Middle East and North Africa.

Since 2001, JIMENA launched numerous campaigns to ensure that our story is documented and included in discourse and negotiations involving Middle Eastern refugees. Instrumental in the passage of US House Resolution 185, members of JIMENA’s Speakers Bureau have shared their personal stories with the UN Human Rights Council, US Congressional Human Rights Caucus, European and Italian Parliaments, Israeli Knesset, British Parliament and over 70 Universities in North America.

General Information
Indigenous Jewish communities have maintained a continuous presence in the Middle East and North Africa for over 2,500 years – fully 1,000 years before the advent of Islam. As the Arab Conquest emerged from Arabia in 622 and swept through vast regions of the Middle East and North Africa, Jews and Christians became second-class dhimmis. As dhimmis or “People of the Book”, Jews and Christians faced multiple social inequalities and were subjected to discriminatory laws.

During European colonial rule the quality of life for many Jews in the Middle East and North greatly improved. However by the 1930’s Nazism spread beyond Europe into parts of the Middle East and North Africa. Palestinian Arab nationalist leader Haj Amin al-Husseini famously met with and supported Hitler. On March 1st, 1944 Husseini took to the radio and incited the Arab World to “Rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them”. As ARAB NATIONALISM took hold of the region Jews once again found themselves subjected to severe mistreatment and abuse. With Israel’s establishment in 1948 Arab countries turned against their own Jewish populations making life intolerable. Entire Jewish communities were destroyed and over 850,000 Jews were expelled or forced to flee as stateless, penniless refugees.
As documented by Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC) the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) ruled that Jews fleeing Arab countries were ‘bona fide’ refugees who “fall within the mandate of (the UNHCR) office”. Despite the ruling, there has been almost a complete absence of international recognition to the plight of the nearly one million Jews who, since 1948, have been displaced from Arab countries

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